Okay, so you've all heard me blathering on about my win in the CGOA design contest. This is a new photo of the dress hanging at the show...I still don't have a photo of the model wearing it yet. But it seems there is a wrong I need to make right. That's right...I have messed up! I was so excited about my win that I have slighted the model, Kimberly McAlindin, by misspelling her last name in my previous post. So, to make it up to her, I have created a new page on my website called "Industry Insider Interview". After further consideration, I am going to make this a new monthly feature on www.crochetrenee.com . So what are you waiting for? Go check it out!!!!
Renee' it was not a slight - just a misspelling! Crap, no one can pronounce it anyway! Thanks so much for all of your kindness.... now stop worrying about it!! I hope someone sends in a flattering photo - I hope I did the dress justice.... I hope after you see the picture that I don't owe you an appology!
LOL! I really did feel badly about it! I have seen one pic that someone posted on their blog (I think it was Dee Stanziano). It looked good on you! I'm gonna let it go now!!! :-)
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