Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Corner View- January

 You probably can't tell in this first picture, but this January day is cold, wet and dreary. Up until today, we have had unseasonable warm weather. Yesterday was beautiful.
But today is beautiful in its own way, I suppose.Y

It's the kind of day that is perfect for cooking and baking. I have the great fortune that my younger sister is still here to assist in my Dad's care. She will be partaking of these tasty oven-baked falafels with vegan tzatziki  sauce from the Vegan Dad's recipe with me at lunch today. Yum! In case you are interested, I will be blogging about this over on Two Fat Sisters later!

Corner View is a weekly appointment with bloggers all over the world, started originally by Jane, now curated by Francesca at Fuoriborgo. Go there and click the links to visit other corners around the world.


Mlle Paradis said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad. It's good to have family close by under such circumstances. I'll bet the falafel were good!

Debra said...

Your January sounds a lot like our January. No snow to be seen. That looks like a tasty meal.

Heather said...

Looks like a good day there to be trampsing through the woods with just the dogs and your thoughts.

Crochet Renee' said...

The falafels are good...will be packing some for lunch tomorrow. Tramping through the woods with the dogs would have been okay with a raincoat on, but the dogs had other ideas. They spent the day sleeping around the wood stove!

Francesca said...

I love falafels, and I also bake them (mainly because I've never mastered the deep-frying method!). Glad your sister is there with you.

nadine paduart said...

i believe i fry my falafel, in a skillet, litle oil. it works!